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Grilling Safety Tips

Memorial Day Weekend is here...and so is the opening of Grilling Season!

According to data from the Consumer Product Safety Commission, an average of 22,000 patients per year go to emergency rooms because of burns involving grills. Especially vulnerable are the hands because that body part is generally closest to the fire.
o For propane grills, check the gas tank for leaks before use in the months ahead.
o Wear safety gloves made especially for grilling.
o Keep your grill clean by removing grease or fat buildup from the grills and in trays below the grill.
o Place the grill well away from the home, deck railings, and out from under eaves and overhanging branches.
o Always make sure your gas grill lid is open before lighting it.
o Keep children and pets at least three feet away from the grilling area.
o If you use starter fluid when charcoal grilling, only use charcoal starter fluid. Never add charcoal fluid or any other flammable liquids to the fire. When you have or are finished grilling, let the coals cool completely before disposing in a metal container.
o Never leave your grill unattended when in use.
Source: NFPA
In the event you get burnedd, quick treatment is important and can lessen the damage. First aid for minor burns may involve:
o Cooling the burn with running water or a cold damp cloth. Not ice—ice may cause more damage to the skin.
o Do not use butter, grease, oils, or ointments on the burn.
o Cover the burn with sterile gauze or a clean cloth.
o Do not use a fluffy cloth such as a towel or blanket.
o Take an over-the-counter pain reliever, like acetaminophen (Tylenol).
o Do not break or pop any blisters. This may result in an infection. If you see signs of an infection, get medical attention immediately.
Here's more on burn injuries, treatment and prevention at our blog: