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Hombro cirugía
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La mano cirugía
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A Little Q&A

It’s very important to be upfront and very concise with any doctor when you are seeking help for an injury or pain. This is going to get you your best care!

​If you are ready to see the orthopaedic specialist at Ortho El Paso for relief or to explore treatment options for a condition you are experiencing, you can anticipate having to answer these questions at your consultation:

Questions Your Doctor May Ask You

  • Rank your pain on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the worse)
  • Where are you feeling pain?
  • When did the pain first start?
  • What caused it (if known)?
  • Is the pain getting worse over time?
  • Are you taking any medications?
  • Can you bend down or climb stairs without help?
  • What kind of physical activity do you do at home or work?
  • What previous tests or exam have you had for treatment of this pain?

As well as questions from the doctor, you will want to ask some to. Here are some questions for which you will want answers for before you seek treatment for your orthopedic pain:

Questions to Ask Your Doctor

  • Are there any orthopaeedic options for pain relief that do not require surgery?
  • How much does joint surgery relieve pain?
  • If I decide to have joint replacement surgery, how is the procedure done?
  • How long before I heal? And, will I heal 100%?
  • When can I return to work?
  • What are the risks or complications of joint replacement surgery?
  • Is joint replacement covered by my insurance?

Your ultimate comfort level with the orthopaedic specialists from Ortho El Paso is our top priority.  Our doctors are extensively trained and highly skilled in the procedures performed in orthopaedic medicine. They are also compassionate and caring and your best results is on the top of their minds.

For a consultation with Drs. Jason Vourazeris or Justin S. Mitchell for hand, elbow, shoulder, knee or hip pain, call the office of Ortho El Paso and The Precision Hand Surgery Center at Ortho El Paso at 915-249-4000. You will be seen immediately and any questions you have, will be answered to your full satisfaction. We guarantee it!
Source: Stryker